Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Think to Think's (1)

Many people fail to overcome such troubles as worry because, they
allow the problem to seem complicated and do not attack it with
some simple technique.

When you expect the best, you realease a magnetic force in your mind
which by a low of attraction tends to bring the best to you. But, if you
expect worst, you realease from your mind the power of repulsion which
tends to force the best from you...  Every great things at last becomes 
for you a possibility...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

CAN DO (3)

3.  Give it Your Best

- give any task, regardless of its desiriability, your full attention; just
  as if it were the thing you wanted to do forever.

- each of us has the ability to choose and become what we wish to be.
  The choise is yours. With work, dedication and decision, you can 
  become one of those who CAN DO...!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Can Do (2)

2. Be Cooperative

- the spirit here is that of cooperation, willingness, acceptence of

- spirit can also include such intangibles as your ability to cope 
  with the unexpected ability to rebound from failure, and the 
  ability to extend yourself to help another.

- develope that sense of adventure which allows you to look for a
  new approaches new methods and new experiences.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Can Do (1)

1.  It Will Be Done

-it will be done because the people involved believe in their ability to
  accomplish the task and were pride in their reputation to do it right.

-to become professional, you must show that you posses self-esteem 
 and pride.

-you must declare that you can do anything and are willing to take on

-you must develop the character to accept success and failure, and not
 let failure deter you in your drive to become the best you can be.

-you must also develop the character to accept failure and acknowledge 
 that the failure was yours, not the schedule, the cost and etc.

-the willingness to accept failure does not make you appear weak..


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Winning is an achievement, but winning consistantly is extraordinary.

          The secret of winning vs. the secret of winning again.
While winning takes work and dedication, winning again and again all that and
more. Yesterday is yesterday. And tomorrow is a new day. And if you don't get
better, you get passed. Success is nice, you can only do this for so long.... 
No time to look back.

When you look back, the most critical you can be of yourself is for not moving
fast enough...

You can go far if you're dedicated and serious, but you have to try harder then men!!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Success is born of Commonsence

There are no  "secrets"  to success. People fail for the most part
because they shoot themselves in the foot. If you go for a long
time without shooting your self in the foot, other people start
calling you a genius.......

Success is more a function of consistent commonsence than of
genius......  Lessons.

Take a chance to be first... you know when you're made a good

So... what do you say... think first!!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Kepimpinan membawa maksud mudah iaitu satu proses untuk mempengaruhi orang lain mencapai sesuatu tugas kumpulan atau organisasi.

Apakah sifat-sifat (attributes) pemimpin yang berjaya? Untuk membezakan antara ciri-ciri seorang pengurus dan seorang pemimpin, beberapa sifat pentingnya termasuklah:

  • Pemimpin tidak semestinya seorang pengurus dan pengurus juga tidak semestinya seorang pemimpin. Ini adalah kerana tidak semua orang bawahannya (subordinat) akan mengikut arahan atau terpengaruh dengan seorang pengurus. Sekiranya arahan pengurus dipatuhi dengan tiada kerelaan, ini bukan disebabkan oleh pengaruh kepimpinannya tetapi oleh sebab takut kepada kuasanya (autoriti).

  • Pemimpin yang baik mempunyai tarikan emosi. Pengurus merupakan penyelesai masalah dan membuat keputusan menggunakanpemikiran yang analitikal dan rasional untuk mencapai matlamat kumpulan. Pemimpin pula adalah orang yang lebih karisma dan mempunyai pandangan yang  tajam terhadap pengikut mereka. Seseorang pemimpin merasakan mereka dapat mengubah harapan pengikut.                                                             

  • Pemimpin berupaya memenuhi harapan pengikut. Pemimpin dan pengurus mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk memenuhi permintaan  ahli kumpulannya. Tetapi, keduanya mempunyai fokus yang berbeza. Pengurus lebih mementingkan untuk mencapai matlamat kumpulan (organisasi). Pemimpin pula lebih menitikberatkan untuk memenuhi kehendak pengikutnya di dalam kumpulan.                                                                     

Jadi, apa bezanyanya?? 

Dalam hal ini, kerap kali seseorang pemimpin terlupa bahawa pada hakikat yang sebenarnya, ia bukanlah memimpin seluruh masyarakat, tetapi..... memimpin pengikutnya yang berkepentingan. 

Orang lain apa nak kata??

Hasan Suratman